Our vineyards

Before Marchesi Antinori decided where he would buy a vineyard in Romania, the company’s specialists visited several vineyards in all major wine regions. They all agreed on the Dealu Mare region for its fantastic potential, for the optimal conditions, the soil, and the good exposure.

The Metamorphosis vineyards have an area of 100 hectares in Dealu Mare Vineyard, in the Urlaţi and Breaza wine centers, Valea Urloi, including the Fintești, and Năeni vineyards. Of the total area, 71.67 hectares are planted with vines. Currently there are 67.17 ha producing grapes used for our wines. The 4.5 ha that are not yet mature have been planted in 2021.

So far we have plots with the following grape varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon (14.67 ha), Fetească Neagră (9.67 ha), Negru de Drăgăşani (3.69 ha in exploatation and 2.5 ha recently planted), Fetească Regală (2.28 ha), Fetească Albă (2 ha),  Romanian Tămâioasă(0.6 ha), Muscat Ottonel (2.67 ha), Merlot (15.51 ha), Syrah (5.27 ha), Pinot Noir (2.5 ha), Sauvignon Blanc (6.86 ha), and Chardonnay (1.45 ha). We also recently planted Cabernet Franct (2 ha) and we intend to plant the entire area with vines in the near future.

Colțul Pietrei Vineyard

The place called “Colțul Pietrei” is located in Năeni commune, Buzău county. The Fințescu Mansion can be taken as a landmark.

The vineyards here are oriented SE, respectively SW. The name of the area comes from the extremely calcareous, stony soil, perfect for vines. The wines created from the grapes on such soil are not full-bodied, but they have a certain finesse. White wines stand out with their minerality. The altitude varies between 243-274m, and the slope inclination is about 10%.

In 2021, two new plots were planted. The viticulture in this area is of the conventional type.

The Marquis' Vineyard (Via Marchizului)


Via Marchizului is located in the village of Fințești in the commune of Năeni. This is the place where great respect for nature. These plots are worked according to the rules of organic viticulture. The name of the area was chosen as a reference to the excellent quality of the wines produced here, some of which are in the collection bearing the same name.

The vineyards here are oriented SE, respectively SW. The soils are made of marl and clay. The wines made from grapes on such soil are full of character. It is an area suitable for expressive red wines. The altitude varies between 261-273m, and the slope inclination is about 5%.

This plot also includes old vines, made of white varieties, converted to eco viticulture.

Urloii Valley

These plots are located in Prahova county.

The vineyards here have SE and SW orientation, respectively, and the soil is composed of clay and sand. This area is suitable for red varieties, which reach full maturity slowly. The average altitude is 276m, and the slope is about 10%.

The viticulture in this area is of the conventional type.