Viile Metamorfosis – Fetească Neagră

An elegant fetească neagră, which brings notes of black fruit and prunes to the fore, complementing them with accents of pepper and cloves. A local wine that deserves to be rediscovered often.

37,00 lei

Weight 1,5 kg



Red, dry



Aciditate totala


Zaharuri reducatoare




Regiune viticolă

Dealu Mare DOC – CMD

Silver Medal IWCB Vinarium
Bronze Medal Decanter
Silver Medal Concours du Bruxelles
89 points Parker Robert Parker The Wine Advocate
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The spirit of the wine

Cui îi este dedicat

An expressive wine, dedicated to those who want to understand the beauty of this local variety and enjoy it often.

Alege Feteasca Neagră

If you want to understand the potential of this local variety. Feteasca Neagră from this range has black cherries and plums aromas, combined with spicy and slightly smoky notes, coming from the maturation in oak barrels.

Choose a Fetească Neagră Viile Metamorfosis when you want a full-bodied, pleasant wine with a long aftertaste.

Intenția enologului

The Viile Metamorfosis selection aims to bring to the public wines with an excellent quality/price ratio and to cover a wide range of preferences. In each of these wines, Fiorenzo Rista wanted to highlight the best characteristics of the used varieties, and of the Dealu Mare area.



We believe in the idea of local culinary association, so we will recommend this Fetească Neagră to traditional Romanian dishes such as sarmalele, tochitură and sausages. Among the cheeses, it goes well with curd and bellows cheese.

Vegetarians can enjoy a glass of Fetească Neagră with grilled vegetables, iahnie or fasting mousse with eggplant and potatoes.


Viile Metamorfosis Fetască Neagră Cluj. In the evening. Untold . Romanian in international language.

Photo: Untold

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